The Philippine Navy offers various programs that cater to individuals aspiring to serve their country in different capacities.
These programs include the Naval Officer Candidate Course (NOCC) for those aspiring to be officers, as well as courses for Sailors, Marines, and Civilian Human Resources.
In this article, we will cover the Navy’s programs, qualifications, recruitment, and benefits.
And we’ll guide you through the online application process.
If you want a rewarding career serving the nation and opportunities to grow, read on to learn about what the Philippine Navy can provide.
Philippine Navy programs
Here is the list of some programs offered by the Philippine Navy.
- Naval Officer Candidate Course (NOCC)
- Sailor Basic Course (SBC)
- Enlisted Personnel (EP/DE)
- Marine Basic Course (MBC)
- Civilian Human Resource
- Hiring
- Promotions
Philippine Navy Qualifications:
Naval Officer Candidate Course (NOCC)
- Natural-born Filipino citizen and of good moral character;
- Baccalaureate Degree holder (preferably technical courses);
- At least 21 years old but not a day older than 27 years old on the date of admission;
- Height of not less than 5’0″ (152.4cm) but not more than 6’4″ (193.04cm) for both male and female;
- Unmarried and with no child to support;
- Must not have any pending civil or criminal case; and
- Physically and mentally fit for training
- Sailor Basic Course (SBC)
- For Enlisted Personnel (EP/DE)
- Natural-born Filipino citizen and of good moral character.
- Not less than 18 years old but not a day older than 26 years old upon appointment as Sailor Candidate.
- Unmarried and with no child to support.
- Completed the K-12 /at least 72 units in college (preferably technical courses) / TESDA NCII for old curriculum high school graduate.
- Height of at least 5’0″ for both male and female.
- Must not have any pending civil or criminal case.
- Physically and mentally fit for training.
- For Enlisted Personnel (EP/DE)
- Marine Basic Course (MBC)
- Natural-born Filipino citizen and of good moral character.
- Not less than 18 years old but not a day older than 26 years old upon appointment as Sailor Candidate.
- Unmarried and with no child to support.
- Completed the K-12 /at least 72 units in college (preferably technical courses) / TESDA NCII for old curriculum high school graduate.
- Height of at least 5’0″ for both male and female.
- Must not have any pending civil or criminal case.
- Physically and mentally fit for training.
- Civilian Human Resource
- For hiring and Promotions;
- Must be a natural born Filipino Citizen and of Good Moral character.
- At least 18 years of age at the time of application;
- Has not been found guilty of crime involving moral turpitude or of infamous, disgraceful or immoral conduct, dishonesty, drunkenness or addiction to drugs;
- Has not been previously found guilty of offenses relative to, or in connection with the conduct of a civil service examination;
- Has not been dismissed from the service for cause; and
- Physically and mentally fit for work.
- For hiring and Promotions;
Philippine Navy Initial Requirements:
- Naval Officer Candidate Course (NOCC) and Sailor Basic Course (SBC)
- For SAILORS, MARINES and Enlisted Personnel or Direct enlistment.
- Original and Photocopy of PSA Birth Certificate;
- Original and Photocopy of Transcript of Records;
- Original and Photocopy of College Diploma;
- 2×2 colored ID picture with white background and
- Accomplished Application Form.
- Marine Basic Course (MBC)
- Original and Photocopy of PSA Birth Certificate;
- Original and Photocopy of High School Diploma;
- Original and Photocopy of Transcript of Records if at least 72 units in College and if high school graduate with TESDA Certificate;
- 2×2 colored ID picture with white background and
- Accomplished Application Form.
- Civilian Human Resource
- For hiring
- Original and Photocopy of PSA Birth Certificate;
- Certified True Copy of Transcript of Records;
- Certified True Copy of College Diploma;
- 2×2 colored ID picture with white background;
- Letter of Intent;
- Personal Data Sheet;
- Certificate of Eligibility;
- NBI Clearance;
- Accomplished Application Form and
- Marriage Contract (for married applicant).
- and Promotions;
- Original and Photocopy of PSA Birth Certificate;
- Certified True Copy of Transcript of Records;
- Certified True Copy of College Diploma;
- 2×2 colored ID picture with white background;
- Letter of Intent;
- Personal Data Sheet;
- Certificate of Eligibility;
- Latest Performance Rating/IPCR;
- Potential Assessment Form;
- Accomplished Application Form and
- Marriage Contract (for married applicant);
- Naval Officer Candidate Course (NOCC)
- Earn as much as Php 45,416.00 while on training as Officer Candidate (OC) equivalent to Salary Grade 18.
- Earn as much as Php 51,829.00 upon graduation with the rank of Ensign/Second Lieutenant (ENS/2LT) equivalent to Salary Grade 19.
- Longevity pay of 10% of the current monthly base pay compounded every five years of active military service.
- Benefits and privileges (Free Medical and Dental Services (including dependents), insurance, billeting, and housing privileges).
- Leadership and other skills Training.
- For Sailor Basic Course (SBC)-Enlisted Personnel (EP/DE) and Marine Basic Course (MBC)
- Earn as much as Php 25,637.00 while on training as Candidate Soldier (CS) equivalent to Salary Grade 13.
- Earn as much as Php 37,338.00 upon graduation with the rank of Apprentice Seaman (ASN)/Private (PVT) equivalent to Salary Grade 17.
- Longevity pay of 10% of the current monthly base pay compounded every five years of active military service.
- Benefits and privileges (Free Medical and Dental Services (including dependents), insurance, billeting, and housing privileges).
- Leadership and other skills Training
- Civilian Human Resource
- For hiring and Promotions;
- Salary Step Increment (Every 3 years of service)
- Clothing Allowance
- Loyalty Award
- Cash Gift
- Performance-Based Bonus
- Year-End Bonus
- Mid-Year Bonus
- Productivity Enhancement Incentive (PEI)
- For hiring and Promotions;
Career Opportunities:
- Career opportunities for the Naval Officer Candidate Course (NOCC), Sailor Basic Course (SBC), Enlisted Personnel (EP/DE), and Marine Basic Course (MBC) are available for aspiring sailors and marines.
- Opportunity for career advancement
- Opportunities for post graduate studies at top universities both within the country and abroad for free.
- Opportunities to study abroad with good compensation and allowance.
- Opportunity to serve the country and lead sailors/marines.
- Opportunities to serve in international peacekeeping missions.
- Opportunities to travel abroad and interact with foreign navies.
- Civilian Human Resource
- For hiring and Promotions;
- Security of Tenure
- Career progression/ advancement
- Study grants both in local and foreign schools
- Opportunity to serve the country
- Opportunity to travel abroad on official mission
- For hiring and Promotions;
Philippine Navy Recruitment Process Flow Chart: for
Naval Candidate Course

Naval Candidate Course
Sailor Basic Course
Marine Basic Course
Civilian Resource Recruitment
How to apply?
Here is a simple super easy Step-by-step comprehensive guide navigating the Philippine Navy online recruitment portal. Go to ( or Philippine Navy AFPSAT
Step 1. For Sailors and Marines go to Naval Officer Candidate Course / Form
Step 2. For the Enlisted Personnel go to Sailor Basic Course / Form
Step 3. And for Marine Basic Course go Here / Form
Step 4. Read the Requirements, Qualifications, Pay Benefits and career opportunities.
Step 5. Click the signup button provided to: example as shown below,
Step 6. fill up the online application form, the link is in step 1-2 and 3
Step 7. Fill the Basic information such as;

- Password
- Confirm password
- Upload your 2×2 picture by clicking the upload file button choose and select file
Step 8. Fill up the following personal information
- Surname
- First Name
- Middle Name
- Suffix (Optional)
- Jr., Sr., etc.
- Height (cm)
- Weight (kg)
- Blood Type
- Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy)
- Age
- Place of Birth
- Mobile Number (09xxxxxxxxx format)
- Citizenship
- Religion
- Sex
- Civil Status
- Skills
Step 9. Fill in the Home / Present and Permanent Address
- Zip Code
- Phase / House No. / Lot / Building
- Street
- Region
- Province
- Select Your Province
- Municipality / City
- Select Your City/Municipality
- Barangay
Step 10. This section is also needed to fill up Tariff Sizes
- Rubber Shoe Size
- Wet Look Shoe Size
Combat Boots Size
- Head Gear Size
- T-Shirt Size
- Shorts Size
- Athletic Uniform Size and click next once done to proceed
Step 11. Fill in the Family Background:
- Father’s Surname
- Father’s First Name
- Father’s Middle Name
- Father’s Suffix (Optional)
- Mother’s Surname
- Mother’s First Name
- Mother’s Middle Name
- Spouse’s Surname (Optional)
- Spouse’s First Name (Optional)
- Spouse’s Middle Name (Optional)
- Child’s Surname (Optional)
- Child’s First Name (Optional)
- Child’s Middle Name (Optional)
- Child’s Suffix (Optional) then click Next once done
Step 12. Next is to fill up the work experience.
- Currently Employed?
- Select your Answer.
- Agency / Office
- Private / Government Service
- Position / Title
- Inclusive Dates
- Start
- End
- Local/Foreign
- You can also add previous employment
- Click next to proceed
Step 13. Fill up the Educational Background
Elementary School
- CheckifK-12Curriculum
- NameofSchool
- Period of Attendance:
- Academic Year Start
- Academic Year End
- Course/Track
- Highest Level/Unit Earned:(optional)
- Scholarship Attained(optional)
High School
- Name of School
- Period of Attendance:
- Academic Year Start
- Academic Year End
- Course/Track
- Highest Level/Unit Earned:(optional)
- Scholarship Attained(optional)
Vocational School (OPTIONAL)
- Name of School:
- Period of Attendance:
- Academic Year Start:
- Academic Year End:
- Course/Track:
- Highest Level/Unit Earned:
- Scholarship Attained:
- College
- Name of School:
- Period of Attendance:
- Academic Year Start:
- Academic Year End:
- Course:
- Highest Level/Unit Earned: (optional)
- Scholarship Attained: (optional)
- Educational Status:
Graduate School: (optional)
- Name of School
- Period of Attendance:
- Academic Year Start
- Academic Year End
- Course/Track
- Highest Level/Unit Earned:
- Scholarship Attained
- Type of Eligibility/Certification/License
- Year Attained
- Then proceed by clicking the next button
- Choose files to upload
- Transcript of Records: No file chosen
- PSA Birth Certificate: No file chosen
- Diploma Attachment: No file chosen
- TESDA NC II – if any: No file chosen
- NCIP Certificate
Step 14. Date of last AFPSAT you’ve taken
If you have taken the exam you can click the red button to indicate green button as shown; and fill up the
- dd/mm/yyyy
- Once done filling the information you can now check the checkbox as shown to enable the submit button and proceed in submitting your application.
Step 15. Before the final submission this will pop up for you to submit

Note: Fill all the necessary details or else you won’t be able to submit
Testing Location:
Here is the provided list of places and the schedule for the AFPSAT for Philippine Navy (Testing Locations).
AFPSAT for Philippine Navy Coverage
AFPSAT has three subtests which are the following:
- Abstract Reasoning– a nonverbal, non-numerical measure of reasoning power. Read more.
- Verbal Reasoning– measures the ability to reason and solve problems. Continue reading.
- Numerical Reasoning– measures the ability to reason and solve problems read more
Contact Details:
For the details of the contact addresses, you can check here complete contact list
- Philippine Navy; Programs, Qualifications, Requirements, Pay, Allowances and Benefits, and Career opportunities: Naval Officer Candidate Course (NOCC) For SAILORS and MARINES,Sailor Basic Course, Marine Basic Course,Civilian Human Resource
- Philippine Navy: PN Recruitment process
- Philippine Navy: for Philippine Navy Recruitment Form