BuCor Recruitment Cycle 2025

BuCor Recruitment Cycle 2025 | Nationwide

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The Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) has announced that applications for Recruitment Cycle 2025 are now open nationwide!

This article will guide you through the qualifications, requirements, how to apply, and the application period of the BuCor Recruitment Cycle.

Don’t miss this opportunity—learn more and apply today!

BuCor Recruitment Cycle Guidelines 2025

For RC2025, all applicants are hereby informed of the following guidelines:

  1. Start Date: Acceptance of application folders begins on January 20, 2025 (Monday).
  2. Submission Hours: Applications will only be accepted Monday to Friday, 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Submissions after 2:00 PM will not be entertained to allow proper evaluation.
  3. Deadline: The final day for submission is February 28, 2025, to ensure a smooth recruitment process.
  4. Submission Location: Applicants submitting folders at NHQ must proceed to the NBP Sunken Garden stage for further instructions.
  5. Documentary Requirements: All required documents must be completed before submission to HRD:
    • PDS must be dated and notarized in the current year.
    • Include TIN, Pag-ibig number, and PhilHealth number.
    • Clearances must be issued in the current year.
    • Submit only authenticated copies of certificates of eligibility, TOR, and diploma (originals will not be accepted).
    • Do not glue/stick documents to bond paper.
    • Incomplete folders will not be processed.
  6. Personal Submission Only: Applicants must submit their folders in person. Submissions via courier or through someone else will not be accepted.
  7. Recruitment Stub: Each applicant will receive a stub to track their progress. No stub, no processing.
  8. Missed Schedules: Applicants who miss their screening schedule (without valid reasons) will not proceed to the next stage.
  9. Dress Code:
    • Males: White round-neck shirt, blue maong pants, white rubber shoes, white socks, black garrison belt (silver buckle), blue surgical mask, and a neat haircut.
    • Females: Same outfit but with hair tied in a bun.

Follow these guidelines carefully to ensure your application is processed smoothly.

BuCor Recruitment Cycle Minimum Requirements

To qualify for the recruitment process, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  1. A Citizen of the Republic of the Philippines;
  2. A person of good moral character;
  3. Must have passed the psychiatric/psychological, drug and physical test for the purpose of determining his/her physical and mental health;
  4. Must possess a Baccalaureate Degree from a recognized learning institution;
  5. Must possess the appropriate civil service eligibility;
  6. Must not have been dishonorably discharged or dismissed for cause from previous employment;
  7. Must not have been convicted by final judgment of an offense or crime involving moral turpitude; &
  8. Must be at least one meter and fifty-seven centimeters (1.57m.) in height for male, and one meter and fifty-two centimeters (1.52m.) for female: Provided that a waiver for height and age requirement/s may be granted to applicants belonging to the cultural communities.

The age limit for applicants for Corrections Officer I, as per R.A. 10575, or “The Bureau of Corrections Act of 2013,” is 40. However, those above thirty-six (36) years of age will have to sign a waiver agreeing that they may not be able to qualify for the full retirement benefits afforded to a Uniformed Officer of BuCor.

BuCor Recruitment Cycle Accepted Eligibilities

The following are the eligibilities that are recognized for the application process:

  1. CSC Career Service Professional Eligibility
  2. P.D. 907 (CSC College Honor Graduate Eligibility)
  3. Penology Officer Eligibility
  4. CSC Police Officer Eligibility (July 1998 onwards)
  5. BAR/Board Eligibility (R.A. 1080)

R.A. 1080 Eligibilities must require the completion of a Bachelor’s Degree.
If the R.A. 1080 eligibility was obtained before the completion of a Degree, the same shall be deemed inappropriate for the position.

Example: Applicant completed a 2-year course in Midwifery last 2020 and successfully passed the Midwifery Licensure Examination in 2021. In 2022, applicant subsequently graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Midwifery and applied with BuCor presenting the 2021 Eligibility as compliance for the Application Requirements.

In the case above, the eligibility shall not be accepted and will only be considered as a first-level eligibility.

Related Topics

Physical, Medical and Dental Evaluation Guidelines

The following outlines the procedures and requirements for the physical, medical, and dental evaluations during the BuCor recruitment cycle:

  1. All laboratory tests and medical clearances shall be done ONLY in a DOH-ACCREDITED GOVERNMENT HOSPITAL;
  2. Medical Clearance once required by the BuCor Medical Officer, from a Specialist shall indicate “FIT FOR RIGID TRAINING”;
  3. Additional Grounds for Disqualification:
    3.1 Tattoos: Any tattoo of any size in any part of the body except for aesthetic enhancement (e.g., eyebrow tattoo);
    3.2 Unusual body piercing and penile injections;
    3.3 Underweight and overweight;
    3.4 Failure to comply to the acceptable range of BMI (18.5 – 25.5);
    3.5 Defective visual perception such as color blindness, nearsighted/farsighted with corrective eyeglasses or lenses;
    3.6 Speech defect;
    3.7 Perforated ear drum, hemorrhoids, bleeding tendencies, hernia (if not treated), varicocele, communicable skin disorders, bone fracture (non-healed), no gross skeletal deformity that will limit joint movements, seizure history;
    3.8 Communicable diseases (PTB, Hepatitis B, etc.);
    3.9 Any mental disorder;
    3.10 Falsification of BuCor Medical Examination Record, laboratory results, and medical clearances/certificates;
  4. Dental Evaluation:
    4.1 All BuCor applicants shall undergo an extensive dental examination. Additional dental procedures may be required by the Dental Officer. Failure to comply may be grounds for disqualification.
  5. APPLICANTS FOR UNIFORMED PERSONNEL who are UNFIT/DISQUALIFIED during the PMDE shall NOT be re-evaluated. PMDE results shall be endorsed to the Human Resource Division (HRD);
  6. No fees shall be charged by BuCor Health Officer related to the PMDE, except medical tests and procedures done outside BuCor.


Application Requirements for BuCor Recruitment Cycle

Below are the detailed application requirements and guidelines for the 2025 BuCor Recruitment Cycle.


A1Letter of Intent (in legal bond paper) Addressed to:
Director General
Bureau of Corrections
Chief, Human Resource Division
B3Duly accomplished Personal Data Sheet with attached Work experience sheet (Revised 2017; CSC Form 212) Back to back, Original and Notarized
C2Authenticated copy of Certificate of Eligibility with Official Receipt
1Photocopy of PRC ID (for PRC eligibility holder)
D1Diploma (authenticated/certified by school registrar)
E1Official Transcript of Records (TOR) authenticated/certified by the school registrar
F1Original PSA birth cert w/ original official receipt
G1Original PSA Marriage cert. w/original official receipt (if applicable)
H1Original Child PSA birth cert w/original official receipt (if applicable)
I1Original NBI clearance
J1Original Local Police Clearance
K1Authenticated copy of Service Record for active/former government employee with plantilla item/s
L1Authenticated copy of Appointment for active/former government employee with plantilla item/s
M1Authenticated IPCR (Latest 2 Rating Period) for active/former government employee with plantilla item/s
N1Certificate of Honorably discharge for former government employee
O1Original NCIP or NCMF Certificate of Confirmation (COC) for applicants who did not meet the minimum height requirements


A1Duly accomplished Personal Data Sheet with attached Work experience sheet (Revised 2017; CSC Form 212) Back to back, Original and Notarized
B1Original NBI clearance
C1Original PNP-DI Clearance
D1Photocopy of Local Police Clearance
E1Original Brgy. Clearance
F1Original RTC Clearance
G1Original MTC/MCTC/MeTC/MeCTC Clearance
H1Original Prosecution Clearance
I1Photocopy of PSA Birth Cert
J1Photocopy of Marriage cert (if applicable)
K1Diploma (authenticated / certified by school registrar)
L1Certificate of Employment
M1Photocopy of passport (if any)
N1Original NOTARIZED waiver to undergo Background Investigation
O1Original NOTARIZED Personal History Statement
P1Sketch of house/residence from landmarks
Q2Latest 2×2 ID Picture


  • Corrections Officer I application folders 1 and 2 must be tabbed as listed.
  • Application folder: white long folder and must be submitted personally.
  • Incomplete documents shall not be accepted.

Learn how to get:

Corrections Officer I Salary

A Corrections Officer I earns Php 29,668 per month, which is under Salary Grade (SG) 11.

This is a good starting salary for those who want to work in BuCor.

Along with the monthly salary, officers enjoy various benefits, including allowances and retirement packages.

But did you know that higher positions in the Bureau of Corrections offer even bigger salaries?

To learn more, check out BuCor Salary Grade 2025 | Comprehensive Guide!

How to Apply

Here’s a simple guide to Applying for the BuCor Recruitment Cycle (Corrections Officer I / Corrections Technical Officer I):

1. Prepare Your Application Folder:

  • Ensure all required documents are complete and organized according to BuCor’s guidelines. Double-check for accuracy and completeness to avoid delays.

2. Dress Code Requirements:

All applicants must strictly follow the prescribed attire:

  • Males: White round-neck shirt, blue maong pants, white rubber shoes, white socks, black garrison belt (silver buckle), blue surgical mask, and a neat haircut.
  • Females: Same outfit but with hair tied in a bun.

3. Submission Guidelines:

  • Be punctual. Arrive before 8:00 AM and submit your application before 2:00 PM (Monday to Friday). Latecomers will not be entertained.
  • Submit your application at the designated location:
    • Sunken Garden Stage, National Headquarters, or respective Human Resource Sections in your assigned OPPFs.
  • Follow all on-site instructions and guidelines during the submission process.

4. Important Notes:

  • Applicants must submit their folders in person. Submissions via courier or through someone else will not be accepted.
  • Applicants not adhering to the proper dress code will not be allowed to submit their applications.
  • Ensure that your documents are submitted within the deadline. No late submissions will be accepted.
  • Maintain professionalism throughout the process and comply with all requirements.

Reminder: Adherence to these guidelines is mandatory to ensure the smooth processing of your application. Failure to comply may result in disqualification. Good luck!

Application Submission Period

  • 📅 January 20 to February 28, 2025
  • ⏰ Monday to Friday, 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM

The application submission period for the BuCor Recruitment Cycle is open from January 20 to February 28, 2025.

Applications will be accepted Monday to Friday between 8:00 AM and 2:00 PM.

Please ensure to submit within this schedule to be considered.


The Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) Recruitment Cycle 2025 offers an excellent opportunity to serve as a Corrections Officer or Technical Officer.

By meeting the qualifications, carefully following the guidelines, and submitting all required documents within the designated period, applicants can ensure a smooth application process.

Stay organized, adhere to the dress code, and complete submissions on time to avoid disqualification.

Best of luck to all aspiring applicants—this is your chance to be part of a public service career!

Bureau of Corrections (BuCor)

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It’s a helpful place for the latest announcements, tips, and important information about BuCor.


This website provides job information only; it doesn’t hire or ask for any fees. Learn more.


  1. Bureau of Corrections. (2023). Facebook.com. https://www.facebook.com/-bucorofficial/posts/