Public Teacher Salary Grade 2025 | Comprehensive Guide

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If you’re curious about the 2025 public school teacher salary in the Philippines, you’ve come to the right place.

This comprehensive guide will explain everything you need to know about teacher salaries, including the different salary grades and their implications for educators nationwide.

Dive in to learn more!

Public Teacher Salary

Here is the latest salary grade for public teachers in the Department of Education (DepEd) in the Philippines:

Public Teacher Salary Grade (Teacher I to III)

Salary Grades by Position2024
(1st tranche)
(2nd tranche)
(3rd tranche)
(4th tranche)
Teacher I (Salary Grade 11)28,51230,02431,70533,387
Teacher II (Salary Grade 12)30,70532,24533,94735,650
Teacher III (Salary Grade 13)32,87034,42136,12537,828

In the Philippines, Teacher I, with a salary grade of 11, will receive a salary of Php 30,024 in 2025.

Following this, Teacher II, at a salary grade of 12, is set to earn Php 32,245 during the same period.

Lastly, Teacher III, associated with a salary grade of 13, will have a salary of Php 34,421 for 2025.

Public Teacher Salary Grade (Master Teachers)

Salary Grades by Position2024
(1st tranche)
(2nd tranche)
(3rd tranche)
(4th tranche)
Master Teacher I (Salary Grade 18)49,01551,30453,81856,332
Master Teacher II (Salary Grade 19)53,87356,39059,15361,916
Master Teacher III (Salary Grade 20)60,15762,96766,05269,138
Master Teacher IV (Salary Grade 21)67,00570,10373,30376,594

Master Teachers I, II, III, and IV will receive incremental salary increases annually.

Teacher Salary Grade 2025 (Other Positions)

PositionsSalary GradeEquivalent Salary
Education Program Specialist I1232,245
Education Program Specialist II1643,560
Education Research Assistant I923,226
Education Research Assistant II1025,586
Education Supervisor I2170,103
Education Supervisor II2278,162
Education Supervisor III2387,315
Elementary School Principal I1956,390
Elementary School Principal II2062,967
Elementary School Principal III2170,103
Elementary School Principal IV2278,162
Head Teacher I1437,024
Head Teacher II1540,208
Head Teacher III1643,560
Head Teacher IV1747,247
Head Teacher V1851,304
Head Teacher VI1956,390
Health Education and Promotion Adviser2278,162
Health Education and Promotion Officer I1025,586
Health Education and Promotion Officer II1437,024
Health Education and Promotion Officer III1851,304
Health Education and Promotion Officer IV2278,162
Health Education and Promotion Officer V2498,185
Public Schools District Supervisor2278,162
Science Education Specialist I1643,560
Science Education Associate II1851,304
Science Education Specialist III2062,967
Science Education Specialist IV2278,162
Science Education Specialist V2498,185
Special School Principal I1851,304
Special School Principal II1956,390
Special Science Teacher I1334,421
Special Science Teacher II1643,560
Special Science Teacher III1956,390
Special Science Teacher IV2278,162
Special Science Teacher V2498,185
Special Education Teacher I1437,024
Special Education Teacher II1540,208
Special Education Teacher III1643,560
Special Education Teacher IV1747,247
Special Education Teacher V1851,304
Teacher Credential Evaluator I1334,421
Teacher Credential Evaluator II1540,208
Teacher Credential Evaluator III1851,304
Teachers Camp Superintendent2498,185
Teaching Aids Specialist1130,024
Teacher salary
(Image from Nikkei Asia)

Public Teacher Benefits

Public teachers in the Philippines also receive benefits. You can see it below.

Yearly Benefits

You can see the yearly benefits of the public teachers in the table below:

Clothing/Uniform AllowanceP6,000
Mid-year Bonus1-month basic salary
Year-end Bonus1-month basic salary
Cash giftP5,000
Productivity Enhancement Incentive (PEI)P5,000/year
Anniversary BonusP3,000 (NOTE: given only during a milestone year, which is every five years)
Performance-Based Bonus –Ranges from 50-65% of the basic monthly salary depending on school performance
Proportional Vacation Pay (PVP)70 days PVP during summer and Christmas break for those who have rendered full services during the school year
Cash/Chalk AllowanceBefore- P3,500/year/teacher
Nov. 9, 2020, Under Senate Bill 1092, will increase as follows:
SY-2021-2022- Php 5,000
SY 2022-2023- Php 5,000
SY 2023-2024- Php 7,500
SY 2024-2025- Php 10,000

Other Benefits and Incentives

Here are the other benefits and incentives for public teachers:

  • One step increment for every three (3) years of continuous satisfactory performance
  • One of the two-step increments due to meritorious performance using the Results-based Performance Management System (RPMS)
  • Loyalty Cash Incentive depending on the number of years in service (starting on the 10th year amounting to P10,000 and P5,000 after every five years)
  • Special Hardship Allowance to teachers assigned in hardship posts (cannot be reached by regular means of transportation through hiking or Banca/motorcycle rides), mobile teachers, and multigrade teachers (15-25% of basic salary). Update: May 25, 2021, Special Hardship Allowance increase to 25% of the monthly basic salary of the personnel
  • Honoraria for teaching overload subject to funds availability
  • Leave privileges (Maternity, paternity, study leave)
  • Additional incentive/allowances from LGU (selected divisions)
  • Vacation service credits (maximum of 15 days per year)
  • For mobile teachers, P2,000 per month for transportation allowance (Program Support Fund)
  • For mobile teachers and DALCs, P5,000 per year for instructional materials
  • In-service training (Program Support Fund)
  • GSIS Benefits: Retirement and Life Insurance Premiums (RLIP)
  • PhilHealth Benefits: Hospitalization, Annual Physical Exam
  • Employee Compensation Program (ECP) Benefits
Teacher salary
(PNA photo by Avito Dalan)



Public school teachers are crucial for developing future leaders through their education and inspiration.

They deserve recognition and fair rewards for their dedication and effort in providing all children with quality education.

Supporting our teachers is essential for the nation’s progress and development.

Teacher Salary Grade

Teachers invest a lot of time in grading assignments, preparing lessons, and managing various school tasks.

Unfortunately, they often don’t receive the recognition they deserve.

Despite their significant role in shaping the future, their salaries may only sometimes reflect their effort and dedication.


  1. (2021)
  2. Department of Education. (2017).
  3. Teachers Salary Grade In The Philippines. (2022, May 31). Digido.
  4. 2021 Salary Grade for Teachers in the Philippines. (n.d.).


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