The Police Community Affairs and Development Group (PCADG) needs 300 new police to fill the Attrition Quota.
This comes after the PNP Recruitment and Selection Service (PRSS) accepted the realignment of an additional 150 allotted quotas from the PNP Retirement and Benefits Administration Service (PRBS). PRSS already approved 150 PCADG-allocated quotas, which are now being processed.
The PNP’s Police Community Affairs and Development Group (PCADG) is looking for 300 new police officers to INFORM, ENGAGE, INFLUENCE, and LEAD our communities.
The unit’s aspirations and priorities include:
- Writers/Journalists
- Programmers
- Graphic/Layout Artists
- Video Editors
- Photographers
- Mass Communication
- Musicians
- IT Experts
Before applying it is necessary to first check the qualifications; the applicant must be:
- College Graduate
- 2nd Level Eligibility
- 21 to 30 years old
- 5’2 height for males and 5’0 height for females
If you meet these qualifications, you can apply. Just register with the PNP Comprehensive Online Recruitment Encrypting System or CORES: .
Initial requirements to be submitted include:
- Notarized CSC and PNP PDS (handwritten)
- PSA Birth Certificate and Family Documents for Issuance of Certificate of Declared Beneficiary
- Affidavit of Undertaking
- Educational Credentials
- Eligibility
- Clearances
- Service record if applicable
- Valid ID
- Tax Identification Number and so on
For further inquiries on initial requirements please visit the PRSS official facebook account: or call the contact numbers 09171909122 or 84781783.
Source: Pulis Serbis Balita