PCG-MEPCOM is Hiring Commissioned Officers

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The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) (Filipino: Tanod Baybayin ng Pilipinas) is recognized as the third armed uniformed service of the country attached to the Philippines’ Department of Transportation, tasked primarily with enforcing laws within Philippine waters, conducting maritime security operations, safeguarding life and property at sea, and protecting marine environment and resources; similar to coast guard units around the world. In case of a declaration of war, the Coast Guard shall also serve as an attached service of the Department of National Defense. The Philippine Coast Guard is mandated and responsible to perform maritime search and rescue, maritime law enforcement, maritime safety, marine environmental protection and maritime security.

The PCG Marine Environmental Protection Command is in need of individuals with backgrounds in Science and Engineering interested in joining the PCG. The Marine Environmental Protection Command (MEPCOM) is responsible for overall maritime environmental enforcement, protection and control through maritime monitoring and enforcing maritime regulation operations.

The Marine Environmental Protection Command is hiring Commissioned Officers who are graduates of the following courses:

  • BS in Biology
  • BS in Microbiology
  • BS in Marine Biology
  • BS in Petroleum Engineering
  • BS in Sanitary Engineering
  • BS in Environmental Science
  • BS in Chemistry
  • BS in Chemical Engineering
  • BS in Marine Engineering
  • BS in Fisheries
  • and other science and engineering-related courses


Commissioned Officers are entitled to:

  • Opportunity to serve and preserve a healthful and well-balanced marine environment and resources of the country;
  • Gross income of Commissioned Officers (Php 51,000.00);
  • Hazard Duty Pay;
  • Opportunities for local and international schoolings:
  • Free medical and dental services;
  • Job security;
  • Enjoy government benefits, discounts and privileges.


Applicants must be:

  • A natural-born citizen of the Philippines;
  • Good moral character;
  • Single;
  • Minimum entry height requirement of 5’0 ft;
  • Must posses any of the following eligibility:
    • RA 1080 (BAR and Board Examination) or;
    • Civil Service Professional with a rating of 82% and above or;
    • RA 10635 (MARINA License).
  • Must be 22 to 28 years of age;
  • Preferably with three (3) years of related experience in the field of study.
  • Must be physically and mentally fit for training.

Documentary Requirements

Interested applicants are directed to submit scanned documentary requirements through email at hrmu.mepcom@gmail.com.

MEPCOM Functions

  • Enforces existing PCG-promulgated rules and regulations pertaining to Marine Pollution (MARPOL).
  • Renders response and direct operations in the abatement, containment, and recovery of oil spills, noxious substances or hazardous materials, and other marine pollutants.
  • Conduct inspections, surveillance and apprehensions of persons, vessels and entities causing marine pollution.
  • Prepares local and national Oil and HNS Spill Contingency Plans of the Philippine Coast Guard.
  • Approve Oil Spill Contingency Plans of oil refineries, terminals, depots, power plants, power barges, and manufacturing industries using persistent oil and HNS, shipping companies (SOPEP), shipyards, ports, harbors and other entities using persistent oil and HNS.
  • Evaluates vessels, companies/entities on their preparedness to respond to oil spill incidents in compliance with their Oil and HNS Spill Contingency Plans.
  • Processes or approves Certification, Documentation and requirements for the approval of various vessel plans, including type-approval and accreditation of equipment, manufacturer or distributor of MARPOL-related equipment and chemicals.
  • Prepares doctrines related to pollution control and prevention, and marine resources preservation and recommend to the Commandant the promulgation of such rules and regulations.
  • Operates/maintains the MEPCOM Laboratory and perform essential laboratory analysis for identification and measurement of marine pollutants.
  • Conducts research and studies on the effectiveness of oil containment and recovery equipment.
  • Organizes, trains, equips and maintains Marine Environmental Protection Units (MEPU) and their corresponding enforcement and response team for effective enforcement of MARPOL regulations and effective monitoring/surveillance, response to MARPOL incidents and clean-up operation in the event of oil and HNS spills.
  • Provides technical assistance to various Coast Guard units on Marine Environmental Protection concerns.
  • Conducts lectures and training to promote public awareness on Marine Environmental Protection.
  • Maintains and operates MARPOL response equipment and facilities.
  • Coordinates with other agencies on matters requiring technical assistance such as laboratory experiments, investigation and research to find economical and practical methods of preventing and controlling marine pollution.
  • Acts as the point of contact with similar national operations center of ASEAN member countries, international bodies and other government agencies.
  • Represents the Philippine Coast Guard in local, national and international conferences, seminars and workshops pertaining to marine environmental protection.
  • Analyzes data and information of past maritime accidents and develops the combating method considering the nature of oil and noxious liquid substances.
  • Establishes liaison & coordination w/ other government agencies for assistance as it may need personnel, facilities and other resources.
  • Negotiates w/ private responder/contractor w/ oil and chemical containment and recovery facilities.
  • Establishes and maintains Geographic Information System and maintains database on spill incidents.
  • Evaluates and recommends accreditation of private oil spill response organization and contractors in coordination with NOCOP.
  • Directs controls and supervises activities related to the conduct of research, scientific and special projects pertaining to research, abatement, containment and recovery of oil spills, noxious substances and other marine pollutants chemical analysis of marine pollutants.
  • Establishes and maintains data baselines resulting from the researches/studies and monitoring activities vis-à-vis marine environmental protection and preservation.
  • Conducts post environmental damage studies on affected area.
    Analyzes, assesses and tests the quality of marine waters.
  • Conducts oil finger printing test / analysis in support MARPOL related investigations / inquiries and cases.
  • Maintains database of oil / chemical / drugs characteristics and other environmental agents.
  • Establishes liaison and coordination with other government agencies, experts and other institution on matters requiring technical assistance.
  • Communicates, liaises and coordinates with Local Government Units, Government agencies, Non-Government agencies, oil industry, and other institutions or entities both local and foreign on matters pertains to training and drills / exercises.
  • Formulates and prepares Program of Instructions for the conduct of MEP training / courses and IMO level courses.
  • Provides complete documentation of the response.
  • Conducts investigation and adjudication of oil/chemical spill cases.
  • Detain vessels with major MEP deficiencies that caused pollution.
    Recommends policies for the use of various Philippine waters.
  • Conduct lectures, training, drills / exercises and information drive to all PCG personnel, Local Government Units (LGUs), Government agencies, Non-Government agencies, oil industry and other institutions or entities both local and foreign regarding MAREP.
  • Perform other functions as the Commandant, PCG may direct.


The Philippine Coast Guard is the oldest and only humanitarian armed service in the Philippines. Its beginnings could be traced back to the early 20th century when coast guarding was related to the protection of the customs services of the country and in patrolling the coastlines and harbors.

After gaining independence from the United States shortly after the end of World War II, the Philippine government transferred some of the coast guard functions, such as the revenue cutter and lighthouse services, to the Philippine Naval Patrol, which eventually became the Philippine Navy. A Coast Guard unit was activated within the Philippine Navy to implement these functions.

On August 6, 1967, the Philippine Congress enacted Republic Act 5173 of the Philippine Coast Guard Law, which made the PCG a major unit of the Philippine Navy under a flag officer. The PCG was activated on October 10, 1967, and its coast guard functions were transferred from the navy.

The civilian nature of the PCG functions led to the separation of the Coast Guard from the Philippine Navy on March 30, 1998, by virtue of Executive Order 475 signed by President Fidel Ramos. The Order effectively transferred the PCG from the Department of National Defense to the Office of the President, and eventually to the Department of Transportation and Communications (DOTC) on April 15, 1998, by virtue of Executive Order 477.

These executive orders provided inter alia that the PCG shall continue to be the agency primarily responsible for the promotion of safety of life and property at sea and the protection of the maritime environment as mandated under the Philippine Coast Guard Law and Presidential Decrees 600, 601, 602, and 979, as a mended.

The transformation of the PCG into a non-military organization has a tremendous impact and significance. Its civilian character has allowed it to receive offers of vessels, equipment, technology, services, cooperation and other needed assistance from other countries, something which would not be readily offered to a military agency.

With enactment of Republic Act 9993, also known as the Coast Guard Law of 2009, as well as its implementing rules and regulations, the PCG has been vested with the necessary authority and responsibility to perform preventive measures in ensuring the safety of merchant vessels. The new law also strengthened PCG’s authority to meet new challenges and increasing demands for marine resources, technological advancement and climate change. Further, the law has defined the PCG’s rightful niche in the bureaucracy as the premier maritime agency and its vital role in nation building.

Source: Marine Environmental Protection Command