COA Job Vacancies March 2021

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The Commission on Audit (COA) has the primary function to examine, audit and settle all accounts and expenditures of the funds and properties of the Philippine government.

They are seeking for qualified applicants in order to maintain it’s constitutional responsibilities.

Job Vacancies Until 31 March 2021



Salary/Job/Pay Grade : 9
Monthly Salary : Php 19,552.00
Eligibility : Relevant MC 11 s. 1996 Career Service (Sub-Professional /First Level Eligibility
Education : High School Graduate or Completion of relevant
vocational/trade course Completion of two-year studies in college or High School Graduate with relevant vocational/trade course
Training : 4 hours of relevant training
Work Experience : 1 year of relevant experience


Salary/Job/Pay Grade : 11
Monthly Salary : Php 23,877.00
Eligibility : Career Service Professional/Second Level Eligibility
Education : Bachelor’s Degree relevant to the job
Training : None required
Work Experience : None required


Salary/Job/Pay Grade : 13
Monthly Salary : Php 28,276.00
Eligibility : Career Service Professional/Second Level Eligibility
Education : Bachelor’s degree relevant to the job
Training : None required
Work Experience : None required

STATE AUDITOR I (25 Vacancy)

Salary/Job/Pay Grade : 16
Monthly Salary : Php 36,628.00
Eligibility : Career Service (Professional)/ Second Level Eligibility
Education : Bachelor’s Degree relevant to the job
Training : 4 hours of relevant training
Work Experience : 1 year of relevant experience


Salary/Job/Pay Grade : 19
Monthly Salary : Php 48,313.00
Eligibility : Career Service (Professional)/ Second Level Eligibility
Education : Bachelor’s Degree relevant to the job
Training : 8 hours of relevant training
Work Experience : 2 years of relevant experience.


Salary/Job/Pay Grade : 24
Monthly Salary : Php 86,742.00
Eligibility : RA 1080 (CPA)/ Career Service Professional/Second Level
Education : Master’s degree or Certificate in Leadership and Management from the CSC For positions the duties and
responsibilities of which involve practice of profession: Bachelor?s degree relevant to the job, preferably BS Accountancy/BSC Accounting, with appropriate RA 1080 If without appropriate RA 1080 for positions the duties and responsibilities of which involve practice of profession: BS Accountancy/BSC Accounting with Master’s Degree/Bachelor of Laws Certificate in Leadership and Management from the CSC
Training : 40 hours of supervisory/management learning and development
Work Experience : 4 years of supervisory/management experience


Salary/Job/Pay Grade : 26
Monthly Salary : Php 111,742.00
Eligibility : RA 1080 (CPA)/ Career Service Professional/Second Level
Education : Master’s degree or Certificate in Leadership and Management from the CSC For positions the duties and
responsibilities of which involve practice of profession: Bachelor?s degree relevant to the job, preferably BS Accountancy/BSC Accounting with appropriate RA 1080 If without appropriate RA 1080 for positions the duties and responsibilities of which involve practice of profession:
Bachelor?s degree relevant to the job, preferably BS Accountancy/BSC Accounting with Master?s
degree/Bachelor of Laws /Certificate of Leadership from the CSC
Training : 120 hours of supervisory/management learning and development intervention
Work Experience : 5 years of supervisory/management experience


Salary/Job/Pay Grade : 19
Monthly Salary : Php 48,313.00
Eligibility : RA 1080 (CPA)
Education : BS Accountany/BSC-Accounting/BSBA-Accounting
Training : 8 hours of relevant training
Work Experience : 2 years of relevant experience

ATTORNEY VI (2 Vacancy)

Salary/Job/Pay Grade : 26
Monthly Salary : Php 111,742.00
Eligibility : RA 1080 (BAR)
Education : Bachelor of Laws
Training : 36 hours of MCLE AND 16 hours of supervisory/management training/learning and development
Work Experience : 4 years in the practice of law, 1 year of which involves

DIRECTOR III (3 Vacancy)

Salary/Job/Pay Grade : 27
Monthly Salary : Php 126,267.00
Eligibility : Career Service Professional/Second level eligibility
Education : Master’s degree or Certificate in Leadership and Management from the CSC For positions the duties and
responsibilities of which involve practice of profession:
Bachelors degree relevant to the job with appropriate RA 1080 For positions the duties and responsibilities of which
do not involve practice of profession: Bachelors degree relevant to the job with Masters degree/Bachelor of Laws/
Certificate of Leadership from the CSC
Training : 120 hours of supervisory/management learning and development intervention
Work Experience : 5 years of supervisory/management experience


Salary/Job/Pay Grade : 28
Monthly Salary : Php 142,683.00
Eligibility : Career Service Professional/Second level eligibility
Education : Master’s degree or Certificate in Leadership and Management from the CSC For positions the duties and responsibilities of which involve practice of profession:
Bachelors degree relevant to the job with appropriate RA 1080 For positions the duties and responsibilities of which
do not involve practice of profession: Bachelors degree relevant to the job with Masters degree/Bachelor of Laws/
Certificate of Leadership from the CSC
Training : 120 hours of supervisory/management learning and development intervention
Work Experience : 5 years of supervisory/management experience


Interested and qualified applicants should signify their interest in writing. Attach the following documents
to the application letter and send to the address below not later than March 31, 2021.


  1. Fully accomplished Personal Data Sheet (PDS) with recent passport-sized picture (CS Form No. 212, Revised 2017) ;
  2. Performance rating in the last rating period (if applicable);
  3. Photocopy of certificate of eligibility/rating/license; and
  4. Photocopy of Transcript of Records.

READ ALSO: Guide to Filling Out the Personal Data Sheet (PDS)

QUALIFIED APPLICANTS are advised to hand in or send through courier/email their application to:

Director IV
Human Resource Management Office, Commission on Audit, Commonwealth Avenue, Quezon City

Source: Commission on Audit/Civil Service Commission Career


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