Public-Private Partnership (PPP) can be broadly defined as a contractual agreement between the Government and a private firm targeted toward financing, designing, implementing and operating infrastructure facilities and services that were traditionally provided by the public sector. It embodies optimal risk allocation between the parties – minimizing cost while realizing project developmental objectives. Thus, the project is to be structured in such a way that the private sector gets a reasonable rate of return on its investment.
By virtue of Executive Order No. 8 series of 2010, as amended by Executive Order No. 136 series of 2013, the PPP Center is mandated to facilitate the implementation of the country’s PPP Program and Projects.
The PPP Center is the main driver of the PPP Program. It serves as the central coordinating and monitoring agency for all PPP projects in the Philippines. It champions the country’s PPP Program by enabling implementing agencies in all aspects of project preparation, managing of the Project Development and Monitoring Facility (PDMF), providing project advisory and facilitation services, and monitoring and empowering agencies through various capacity-building activities. The PPP Center provides technical assistance to national government agencies (NGAs), government-owned-and-controlled corporations (GOCCs), government financial institutions (GFIs), state universities and colleges (SUCs), and local government units (LGUs) to help develop and implement critical infrastructure and other development projects. The PPP Center is also advocating policy reforms to improve the legal and regulatory frameworks governing PPPs in order to maximize the great potential of these infrastructure and development projects in the country.
Through Executive Order No. 136, the PPP Center shall act as the Secretariat of the PPP Governing Board. The Board is the overall policy-making body for all PPP-related matters, including the PDMF. It shall be responsible for setting the strategic direction of the Philippine PPP Program and creating an enabling policy and institutional environment for PPP.
Interestingly, PPP has job vacancies available to apply for until December 8 and 12, 2022:
One (1) Project Development Officer II (SG15/ Php 35,097 Monthly Salary)
- Item Number: PDO2-8-2019
- Status: Permanent
- Place of Assignment: Local Government Unit Division, Project Development Service
- Education: Bachelor’s degree relevant to the job
- Experience: One (1) year of relevant experience
- Training: Four (4) hours of relevant training
- Eligibility: Career Service (Professional)/Second Level Eligibility
Duties and Responsibilities
- Provide project management services to implementing agencies (IAs)/local government units (LGUs) in the following:
- Supervision of and coordinated with consultants/transaction advisors;
- Preparation/review of Project Concept Notes/Rapid Assessment Report;
- Preparation/review of Business Cases/Pre-Feasibility Studies, and/or Feasibility Studies, and ICC Project Evaluation Forms/other project-related documents for approval;
- Preparation of Transaction Documents and Bidding Process;
- Evaluation of Unsolicited Proposals;
- Bidding Process, including Competitive Challenge for Unsolicited Proposals; and
- Facilitate turnover of project documents to the Project Monitoring Division for the awarded projects including provision of assistance for information requests regarding those projects.
- Coordinate with IAs/LGUs and Approval Bodies pertinent to PPP project development/ approval/procurement.
- Monitor progress, timetable, and milestones of PPP projects.
- Conduct research as input to the development of PPP projects.
- Conduct studies related to projects and special topics as directed by superior/s.
- Prepare required reports, communication, and other correspondences as directed by superior/s.
- Prepare presentation materials and act as resource speakers for capacity-building activities as requested.
- Perform other work that may be assigned from time to time by the Division Chief or by higher authorities.
One (1) Project Development Officer II (SG15/ Php 35,097 Monthly Salary)
- Item Number: PDO2-5-2014
- Status: Permanent
- Place of Assignment: Social Division, Project Development Service
- Education: Bachelor’s degree relevant to the job
- Experience: One (1) year of relevant experience
- Training: Four (4) hours of relevant training
- Eligibility: Career Service (Professional)/Second Level Eligibility
Deadline of Application: December 12, 2022
One (1) Project Development Officer V (SG24/ Php 86,742 Monthly Salary)
- Item Number: PDO5-5-2013
- Status: Permanent
- Place of Assignment: Project Management Division, PDMFS
- Education: Master’s degree or Certificate in Leadership and Management from the CSC
- Experience: Four (4) years of experience in management and supervision
- Training: Forty (40) hours of supervisory/management learning and development intervention
- Eligibility: Career Service (Professional)/Second Level Eligibility
Duties and Responsibilities
A. Supervisory Duties (per Section 3 of P.D. 988)
- Plan, program, and distribute work of the division.
- Motivate, train, and develop subordinates to improve current performance and to
- Review and evaluate the outputs/performance of the personnel and identifies actions to improve performance.
- Maintain morale and discipline among the employees of the division.
- Develop and promotes a cooperative and well-coordinated workforce.
- Coordinate, cooperates and establishes working relationships with the various PPPC units and external offices that impact the division outputs.
B. Technical Duties
- Endorse all reviewed outputs to the Service Directors (SD).
- Monitor, raise critical issues to the SD on matters related to project evaluation and consultant recruitment, and propose recommendations to resolve the same.
- Oversee the conduct of pre-Committee meetings with IAs, as necessary, to discuss clarifications/issues.
- Provide technical support during PDMF Committee meetings.
- Provide technical support to the Project Study Committee in the review/finalization of the Terms of Reference and Request for Proposals.
- Perform other work that may be assigned from time to time by higher authorities.
One (1) Attorney III (SG21/ Php 62,449 Monthly Salary)
- Item Number: ATY3-1-2012
- Status: Permanent
- Place of Assignment: Internal Operations Division, Legal Service
- Education: Bachelor of Laws
- Experience: One (1) year of relevant experience
- Training: Four (4) hours of relevant training
- Eligibility: R.A. 1080 (Bar)
Duties and Responsibilities
- Perform legal work involving specific and limited fields/areas of law and provides advice on general legal matters.
- Search for and read gathered materials and prepare reports on research, recommendation of interpretative opinion.
- Prepare draft of opinions containing a statement of facts involved, the legal problems, the issues, a discussion of the applicable laws, the jurisprudence on the matter and the conclusion/opinion.
- Provide administrative legal support to PPP Center.
- Evaluate, review, perform legal research and due diligence, and make the necessary recommended action and/or draft required document.
- Issue legal opinions on questions of law.
- Review and draft contracts and other legal documents and correspondence.
- Attend meetings with Implementing Agencies and Transaction Advisors.
- Perform other work that may be assigned by the Division Chief or by higher authorities from time to time.
One (1) Project Evaluation Officer III (SG18/ Php 45,203 Monthly Salary)
- Item Number: PEO3-15-2011
- Status: Permanent
- Place of Assignment: Project Monitoring Division- Policy Formulation, Project Evaluation and Monitoring Service
- Education: Bachelor’s degree relevant to the job
- Experience: Two (2) years of relevant experience
- Training: Eight (8) hours of relevant training
- Eligibility: Career Service Professional/Second Level Eligibility
Duties and Responsibilities
- Coordinate with the implementing agencies and other relevant offices to facilitate the smooth implementation of projects through attendance to regular and special meetings related to the implementation of PPP projects, among others;
- Identify existing and potential issues and bottlenecks that may hamper the development of PPP projects and recommend necessary action plans to resolve the same;
- Monitor contingent liabilities arising from national PP projects;
- Provide inputs/comments and prepare various reports and official correspondences (project status reports, official letters, Memoranda for the President and other key officials, among others) that relate to the implementation of the PPP Program and projects;
- Recommend necessary tools and processes to improve the PPP Program’s monitoring framework and processes;
- Provide logistical requirements for the conduct of workshops, seminars, consultations, and other related fora necessary in carrying out M&E activities; and
- Perform other work that maybe assigned from time to time by the Division Chief or by higher authorities.
“Application is open to all qualified individuals regardless of age, religion, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation and gender identity, civil status, or political orientation.”
Deadline of Application: December 8, 2022
How to Apply
- Applicants must be Filipino citizens and meet or exceed the minimum requirements of the vacant position(s).
- Applicants must accomplish the Job Application Form by clicking the Apply button below the position applying for. Only applications with complete requirements will be processed
- The is restricted for job inquiries only.
If qualified, click here to apply