Application for the PSSA Class 2025 is now OPEN

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Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) Secretary Eduardo M. Año today said that one of the key legacies of the Duterte administration is the establishment of the Philippine Public Safety Academy (PPSA), a dedicated training institution for the cadetship program of future fire and jail officers which is seen to upgrade public safety services in the country.

The PPSA was created with the signing of Department Circular No. 2022-009 “Creation and Operationalization of Philippine Public Safety Academy (PPSA) pursuant to Republic Act No. 11279.” The academy is intended to be a separate school for BFP and BJMP cadets who used to be trained under the auspices of the Philippine National Police Academy (PNPA). The Cadetship Program of the PPSA offers graduate degree courses for BFP and BJMP personnel, i.e. Bachelor of Science in Fire Protection Administration and Bachelor of Science in Penology and Corrections Administration. The two-year cadetship program is composed of 120 academic and 30 non-academic Units. The PPSA is under the administrative control of the Philippine Public Safety College (PPSC). Consequently, the Philippine Public Safety College (PPSC) is responsible for the training, human resource development, and continuing education of all personnel of the Philippine National Police (PNP), the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP), and the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP). It formulates and implements training programs for the personnel of the Department of the Interior and Local Government, as well as research and development to support these educational training programs.

Interestingly, the Philippine Public Safety Academy (PSSA) offers a two-year Cadetship Program for qualified Jail and Fire Officers with the graduate degree of Bachelor of Science in Fire Protection Administration and a Bachelor of Science in Penology and Corrections Administration, respectively. Qualifications for the program are as follows:


  • Must be a natural-born citizen of the Philippines;
  • At least two (2) years in service and not more than 28 years of age on the day of appointment;
  • Weight not more or less than five (5) kgs from the standard weight corresponding to his/ her height, age, and sex;
  • A person of good moral character;
  • Passed the medical and dental evaluation, neuro-psychiatric evaluation, physical fitness test, drug test, and panel interview;
  • No pending case prior to his/ her appointment as Cadet;
  • Not convicted of an offense or crime involving moral turpitude; and
  • No parental obligation.

How to Apply

Qualified and interested personnel shall properly filled-out the PPSA Application Form and submit the hard copy to their respective Regional Offices for consolidation. Furthermore, all applicants shall register to the DHRD PPSA Application portal ( and submit a PDF copy of the following documents:

  • Properly filled-out PSSA Application Form;
  • Authenticated copy of Appointment Order; and
  • Updated Service Record

Place/Venue of Examination

    • Laguna
    • Baguio
    • Quezon City
    • Pampanga
    • Cebu
    • Iloilo
    • Davao
    • Butuan City
    • Zamboanga

Kindly coordinate with your respective Bureaus–Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) and the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP), for the process and more updates.

The deadline for Submission of Application forms and registration at the DHRD PPSA Application portal is on NOVEMBER 28, 2022

PSSA Cadet Admission Test will be on DECEMBER 18, 2022

For any queries and concerns on the application process and qualification, you may contact JSINSP JULIE ANNE L. AGUILAR, OIC, Administrative Division, DHRD at (02) 8927-6383 local 104 or email

About PPSC

The Philippine Public Safety College (PPSC) provides comprehensive education and training for all uniformed personnel of the PNP anchored in the principles of accountability and transparency. PPSC offers programs on public safety. One of its program offerings is a 4-year baccalaureate degree in public safety, ideal for aspiring public servants. Its curriculum features subjects related to law enforcement, forensic sciences as well as social sciences. Another exclusive school offering is a master’s program in crisis and disaster risk management. Special courses (both basic and advanced) that can enhance one’s skill and knowledge are also taught to the officers of the mentioned agencies. Most of the courses discuss matters relating to leadership and operations. 

The promulgation of Republic Act 6975, otherwise known as the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) Act of 1990, operationalized and initiated the call for a tangible reform in the country’s public safety services particularly for the uniformed bureaus under DILG.

The same Act factually complied with the constitutional mandate for a unified single national police force, which is civilian in character under the administration of the National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM). Likewise, the same law upgraded the fire and jail services as new and separate bureaus under the DILG stewardship.

PPSC was established under Section 66 of RA 6975. However, in 2019, the law was ratified through RA 11279 which transfers two of PPSC’s Constituent Units (CUs) to the Philippine National Police (PNP). Hence, PPSC along with its remaining four CUs namely the National Police College (NPC), National Fire Training Institute (NFTI), National Jail Management and Penology Training Institute (NJMPTI), and National Forensic Science Training Institute (NFSTI) is now considered as the premier educational institution for the training, human resource development, and continuing education of all personnel of the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) and the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP), and the officers of the PNP as well as other public safety government agencies.

The PPSC is one of the bureaus under the DILG. It has a Board of Trustees (BOT) which exercises policy-making functions in accordance with general policies, plans, and programs on education as may be formulated by higher authorities. The BOT is comprised of the DILG Secretary as chairman, the head of the PNP, BFP, and BJMP as members, and the PPSC President as an ex-officio member. The creation of the PPSC is particularly significant as it symbolizes the new level of cooperation of the five component agencies in the transformation of the country’s public safety services.

The PPSC is the umbrella organization that oversees the various education and training programs offered by the following component training units: National Police College (NPC), Philippine National Police Academy (PNPA), Police National Training Institute (PNTI), and its 18 Regional Training Schools (RTS) nationwide, Fire National Training Institute (FNTI), Jail National Training Institute (JNTI) and the National Criminalistics Research and Training Institute (NCRTI). 

Source: Philippine Public Safety Academy [1] [2]